A 66-year-old woman living in India gave birth to triplets (two boys and a girl) after 44 years of childless marriage, possibly setting the record for the oldest woman in the world to give birth to triplets. . .
Bhateri Devi became pregnant through artificial insemination at the National Insemination Center in Hisar, Haryana state, and three babies were born with the same birth weight, weighing only 1.2 kg, 1.1 kg and 800 g, so He is in intensive care, according to doctors. .
“In the birth certificate issued by a major hospital in Rohtak district, Bhateri Devi was born on May 21, 1944. This document is authentic and till now this woman is known as the oldest woman in the world to give gave birth to triplets”. said Dr. Anurag Bishnoi, who observed the entire process. .
Anurag Bishnoi added that Bhateri Devi successfully conceived after three attempts at artificial insemination. In the first two, only two embryos were implanted in each cycle. But after the third attempt, three embryos were implanted in the uterus, and the mother became pregnant.
For her husband, Deva Singh, 64, this is boundless joy at the happiness of being a father at the age of almost seventy. “Bhateri fulfilled my dream of having children and giving my family an heir. Bhateri was my first wife and after she could not have children, I took a second wife, but I also did not have children with my last wife,” he said. “I am very happy and I will give my children a full and prosperous life in the future.”